Wednesday, December 15, 2010

CME - CUE Integration

CUE-CME Configuration:
Part 1 : Service Module
Br2-RTR# interface service-engine 0/0
Br2-RTR# no shut                           ! Don't forget this. Saves time.
Br2-RTR# ip unnumbered vlan400   ! Any L3 Interface you wanna bind ur Ser-Eng to.
Br2-RTR# service-module ip address
Br2-RTR# service-module ip default-gateway
Br2-RTR# ip route service-engine 0/0
! Optional Commands
Br2-RTR# service-module service-engine 0/0 reset ! Do only if you cannot ping the module.
Br2-RTR# service-module service-engine 0/0 session ! Module reboots-takes time 10 Min.
Br2-RTR# service-module service-engine 0/0 session clear ! if connection refused
Now we go to the CUE Module & see if the License File is proper or not.
CUE# sh software license
! Now if the License needs to be downloaded, it has to be FTP only. Command for the same is:
CUE# software install clean url username cisco password cisco
CUE# offline
CUE# restore factory default
CUE# reload   ! wait for 10 Minutes (Ctrl-Shift-6-X --> to go back to RTR)
Part 2 : SCCP CA Configuration
Br2-RTR# telephony-service
Br2-RTR# vociemail 3600
Br2-RTR# web admin system name admin password cisco
Br2-RTR# call-forward pattern .T ! Required for only IP-IP Calls.
Br2-RTR# transfer-pattern .T ! Required for only IP-IP Calls.
Now we conf the HTTP Servers
Br2-RTR# ip http server
Br2-RTR# ip http path flash:/GUI
Now we define the Dial-Peer
Br2-RTR# dial-peer voice 3600 voip
Br2-RTR# session protocol sipv2
Br2-RTR# destination-pattern 3[126]00
Br2-RTR# session-target ipv4: ! IP of the Ser Module
Br2-RTR# codec g711ulaw
Br2-RTR# no vad
Br2-RTR# dtmf-relay sip-notify
! MWI Config. This is the SIP Outcalling Method
Br2-RTR# ephone-dn 3
Br2-RTR# number 3999....
Br2-RTR# mwi on
Br2-RTR# ephone-dn 4
Br2-RTR# number 3998....
Br2-RTR# mwi off
Br2-RTR# ephone 2
Br2-RTR# username br2phn2 password 12345  ! Assign username to Ephone Before CUE Configuration.
Part 3 : SIP Phones
Sip devices can have their MWI relayed in 2 methods:
1. Subscribe-Notify
2. Unsolicited NOtify
Subscribe Notify:
Br2-RTR# sip-ua
Br2-RTR# mwi-server ipv4:
Br2-RTR# voice register dn 2
Br2-RTR# mwi
Br2-RTR# voice register global
Br2-RTR# voicemail 3600
Br2-RTR# voice register dn 2
Br2-RTR# call-forward b2bua noan 3600 time 12
Br2-RTR# call-forward b2bua busy 3600 time 12
Br2-RTR# call-forward b2bua mailbox 3006
Br2-RTR# voice register pool 2
Br2-RTR# dtmf-relay rtp-nte ! SIP Phones don't support SIP-Notify as DTMF, so we'll need RTP-NTE
Now reset the phones & create profile under voice register global.
Part 4 : CUE Wizard

Here you put basic settings like DNS(If Reqd), NTP etc. Most imp you assign a Username & Passwd for Web Login.
CUE Will auto receive info for the Ephones & Tel-Service & creates VM For the same. But for SIP Phones you will need to create them.
This Completes the CLI Initialization of the CUE Module. Now we go to the Web for the Complete Configuration.


  1. Hey Mann,
    Gr8 post just have two comments:
    1)The dial-peer needs the following:
    "codec g711ulaw"

    2)As for the MWI, SIP Unsolicited and Subscriber can be used for both SCCP and SIP phones.

  2. Hi,
    One more thing, in the flow of command why do you reset the CUE twice?
    I haven't labbed on it yet, but from what I think we can check the license type and change it if necessary and reload. After that just factory reset it.
    Any insight? Maybe we have to do it cause the IP changes and the module won't take it until we reset it ?

  3. Yup.. I missed the codec G711ulaw in the DP. Good point. I have always had issues with my CUE Module. Especially when I am integrating it with CCM. My JTAPI just doesn't seem to register in a single shot. Let me know your experience.

    Also single Reset should suffice, I gave the command here for keeping this command into perspective too. But I prefer reload after License upload (if required).

  4. Hey Mann,
    I messed around with CUE today.
    I changed the license followed by a factory reset and a reload.
    Once I integrated it with CUCM, I saved it and reloaded it with the initial config. That made the ports register . After which I did created mailboxes and any fine tuning needed.
